

Experiencing inner peace


Do we need to seek inner peace or is it already within us; is it found nestled in a place we go to when have time or is it a constant, meaning there’s nowhere to go to find it and no seeking to be done?

I wonder if we stop seeking inner peace we will discover that it was there all along, ready to be enjoyed at will. It is maybe an uncomfortable feeling not having to do anything when we are so used to doing in order to achieve something we desire.

The need to do is inherently not peaceful and therefore is at odds with inner peace as we are effectively in a conflict between how we feel now and how we expect to feel when our needs are met.

I have often felt that inner peace is something only achievable when I am alone and in silence, that taking myself out of the hubbub of daily life is how it’s done. This is mainly due to the seeking aspect of the whole process and believing there is a process in the first place. Eckhart Tolle suggests that we can access our inner peace through being at one with the present which may indicate that we don’t have create special conditions or move away from anything or anyone to find the inner peace that is available to us now in this moment.

A newfound inner peace arises as one learns to relinquish mental/emotional resistance to the suchness of the present moment
— Eckhart Tolle

What is inner peace and what do we expect to find when we get there? A sense of calm that everything is fundamentally ’ok’ and we will have no problems to solve. Paradoxically we want to feel like there is nothing to ’do’ however we then ’do’ something in order to reach this, by now, mythical place.

Esther RushtonComment