

A new logo for Illustration by EST.

My new logo embodies that place of tranquility amongst nature whilst subtly referencing my initials within the foliage
— EST.

Since I began my illustration business in 2019 much has changed and I felt that my logo needed to reflect the direction my art has taken over the last 2 years.

Nature has been my starting point for my work for as long as I remember and still is. However my enthusiasm for expressing nature through the feminine form has become a focus in my artworks. I am passionate about getting back to our wild selves, freeing our minds and bodies from conforming to societal norms and empowering women to celebrate their intuitive wild sides.

My artworks visualise the feeling of innate strength when we reveal our true selves and how we come to a place of deep tranquility in knowing who we are.

So my new logo embodies that place of tranquility amongst nature whilst subtly referencing my initials within the foliage.

Here’s a look at my sketch to final artwork for the logo

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