
Portrait journeys

Portrait Journeys



When I received my voucher I couldn’t imagine how the whole digital process would work. How would my ‘Wild Self’ look, or how could a digital image represent me?

Despite my reservations, Esther was very relaxed and used a simple but effective method. She asked just the right questions, capturing the spirit of my ‘Wild Self’ in a strangely therapeutic way.

Esther was very relaxed and used a simple but effective method. She asked just the right questions, capturing the spirit of my ‘Wild Self’ in a strangely therapeutic way.
— Josie

The whole process was really enjoyable. The result is a unique portrait to which I feel connected as it has my thoughts and feelings at it’s heart.

It’s kind of special. It makes me smile. I love my ‘Wild Self’
Thank you Esther

The whole process was really enjoyable. The result is a unique portrait to which I feel connected as it has my thoughts and feelings at it’s heart.
— Josie